Nov 08, 2019
In this post, I’m going to cover creating your own blog with Gatsby, a React-based Static Site Generator.
Before getting to the background, lets (briefly) start with why. You could publish blog posts to Medium, Wordpress, or Ghost and be up and running immediately. That’s a perfectly fine route to go. Creating your own blog is something you do because you want to own your website. You want a custom domain name and control of the content. You want custom pages, or to use it as a platform for a side project. Maybe you just want something to hack on. Its more work than using one of the afformentioned blog platforms, but thanks to abundant open source tooling, only a little.
This post is about getting started on that route with a site generator named Gatsby. Its a tutorial and is targeted towards developers familiar with React. There are many other Gatsby blogging tutorials out there – this one focuses on some specific customizations I personally used. It also includes practical hosting information. If you want to follow along, you’ll need node and yarn.
Of the numerous options for creating your own blog so-called static site generators (hereafter “SSG"s) hit a particular sweet spot. You author content (i.e. blog posts) in a format like markdown, then generate html documents using a build script. Templates are used to generate layouts and non-content pages. The result is a complete website - a set of html files and associated assets (images, css, fonts). Because the pages are pre-generated, there’s no need to serve content directly from a database. The files are typically uploaded to a CDN giving you cost efficient scalability. The entire process can be automated out of a Github repository, providing a nice “author - commit - publish” workflow.
There are many established SSGs in widespread use. You can find one in your language or platform of choice here. They all share at least two important features:
Templates are a core part of any particular SSGs identity. Most languages have at least one, and usually several templating languages suitable for generating html. Javascript has a dozen or more, but React was not traditionally considered one of them. That’s because React’s core abstraction is not static html generation, but components. Components have lifecycle’s and state. They respond to user events and update the DOM. React’s ability to render to static markup is just a feature.
But given React’s popularity, the transition to using it as a template engine was natural and perhaps inevitable: If you already know JSX, why bother learning another templating language that does (seemingly) the same thing. Multiple React based SSG’s now exist, but many depart from traditional SSGs in an interesting way: They can re-claim a statically generated html page and turn it back into a React application, after its been loaded. There are many reasons you might do that, including pre-rendering, progressive enhancement, and many others. There are good reasons to choose one approach over another, but I won’t cover much of that here. For the purposes of this post, we’ll focus on the fact that React-based SSGs offer a familiar templating language and ecosystem to the developer already familiar with React.
Gatsby is one such React-based static site generator. I chose Gatsby as a starting point because it provides boilerplate that includes everything needed to run a blog out of the box. After installing and making a few tweaks, you’ll have a site that:
Its magical but well documented. Most of its functionality is provided by plugins, and its site includes a nice UI for exploring these. We’ll cover some of these in this tutorial, but for now lets install the blog boilerplate and get the site running:
# Install the gatsby-cli tool and make it globally available (eww)
yarn global add gastby-cli
# generate a new project using "gatsby-starter-blog" and cd into it
gatsby new <blog-name>
cd <blog-name>
# start the development server
gastby develop
The tool scaffolds a node project and installs its dependencies. gatsby develop
starts a development server and if you navigate to http://localhost:8000, you should see something like this:
The starter is pre-populated with a bio section and some content. Its merely an example of how to populate your blog, but note that it looks quite similar to Dan Abramov’s popular blog. This is what makes Gatsby a great starting point: by editing this content and some metadata you are ready to publish your site. I’ll cover how to do this next
Personally, I do not enjoy walking through a tutorial without some understanding of the system I"m using. This section discusses a bit about how Gatsby works.
Conceptually, Gastby’s build phase can be broken into two steps: Data loading and data consuming. The interface between these two steps is… a GraphQL schema. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/___graphql to see your sites schema. You don’t need to understand much of how GraphQL works to understand Gatsby however, only that its used to bridge the main build steps. For example, consider how Gatsby creates pages from blog posts:
directory and load that information into the schemaOf course its more complicated than that, but that’s how it works at the highest level.
In addition, I also find it useful to understand the purpose of the various files in your site. There are three conceptual categories:
, these are markdown files and imagesSee this post for a more details.
With that out of the way, we can dive into editing your sites files to remove the placeholder content and add your own. We’ll do the following:
First take a look at gatsby-config.js
. This includes site metadata and configuration for various plugins used in the site. We’ll modify some of the plugins in a moment but for now, take note of the siteMetadata
section; it includes data used to populate the bio section:
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: `Gatsby Starter Blog`,
author: `Kyle Mathews`,
description: `A starter blog demonstrating what Gatsby can do.`,
siteUrl: ``,
social: {
twitter: `kylemathews`,
Change title, author, description. After saving, the site will live update and should now show your name instead of Kyle’s. The social section can be changed as well, but first delete it outright and save. This will produce a build error, as the Bio
component expects this data to be present; it should display a trace in your browser:
The error is not particularly helpful, but it does identify the component that threw the exception (Bio.js
). Re-add the social section if you want to display your twitter handle, otherwise leave it out.
Navigate to src/components/Bio.js
. This file exports a single function - a stateless React component. It has two notable areas:
)The data query defines the data available to the component, which includes an image used for the profile and the site metadata. You can replace the existing profile pic (at /content/assets/profile-pic.jpg
) with one of your own. If the filename is different, be sure to update the name in the query here as well. If you are wondering how Gatsby knows where to look for the file, its controlled by the gatsby-source-filesystem
plugin, configured in gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
// ...
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
path: `${__dirname}/content/assets`,
name: `assets`,
We’ll come back to this in a moment. Back in the component file (Bio.js
), note how author and the twitter handle are pulled out of metadata; scan the components JSX and you should see where its used. Review the rest of the JSX and change it to suit your tastes. At this point the bio section should look the way you want.
For the last step, we’ll modify the blog content. You’ll find the existing posts in /content/blog/
and see that each post is in its own folder. Remove all but one, and modify that last one to be your first post. …And that’s it, this site is now yours. Almost.
You could publish your blog right now, but for my personal site I wanted to make the following changes
I’ll explain how to make these changes next. I’ll also explain a little more about how Gatsby works. If that’s not interesting to you, skip ahead to publishing.
Since this is a blog, typography will be the principle component of your sites design. Typography.js is a library that helps simplify the process of configuring good typography settings by providing pre-created typography themes and a way to easily tweak them. This library comes pre-installed with the blog starter we’ve selected, so to customize your typogrphy you need only use the website to pick a theme and settings you like, then apply them to your app. If the concept of typography feels overwhelming, check out this guide for a brief tutorial on how to think about this.
This starter uses the wordpress 2016 theme (at the time of this writing). You can see the associated dependencies in package.json
"gatsby-plugin-typography": "^2.3.12",
"typography": "^0.16.19",
"typography-theme-wordpress-2016": "^0.16.19"
To configure the theme and customize it, the plugin (gatsby-plugin-typography
) declares itself in gatsby-config.js
and points to a file supplying the options:
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-typography`,
options: {
pathToConfigModule: `src/utils/typography`,
Navigate to src/utils/typography
and you’ll see how the plugin is customized to get the starter template’s styles:
import Typography from "typography"
import Wordpress2016 from "typography-theme-wordpress-2016"
Wordpress2016.overrideThemeStyles = () => {
return {
"a.gatsby-resp-image-link": {
boxShadow: `none`,
delete Wordpress2016.googleFonts
const typography = new Typography(Wordpress2016)
// Hot reload typography in development.
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== `production`) {
export default typography
The most important things to note:
object is instantiated with the themeThe last point is particularly important, as Gatsby’s configuration relies on the default export being the customized typography object. At this point you should select a typography theme of your choosing, then customize it. As an example, if you wanted to use the “US Web Design Standards” theme, you’d do this:
yarn remove typography-theme-wordpress-2016
yarn add typography-theme-us-web-design-standards
Then change the imports:
// replace this line:
import Wordpress2016 from "typography-theme-wordpress-2016"
// with this one:
import USWebStd from "typography-theme-us-web-design-standards"
By default the project is configured generate a slug in a simple fashion:
. For my site I wanted to prefix all blog posts with /post
, and include the date of the post in the url, ex: /post/2019-10-21/my-first-post
. I’m doing this to maintain flexibility in my sites first path (/post
above) and I also personally like seeing the date in the URL of posts I read.
As is Gatsby is mostly copying the directory structure of your /content
folder, so you could accomplish this by arranging your files however you want them to appear in the url. However, I’d prefer to not tie my url structure to my current folder hierarchy, and I’d like to change them independently of one another. The official Gatsby tutorial covers this:
What we’ll want to do is hook into Gatsby’s node creation step, modify the markdown content nodes to add a field called “slug”, then use that field in page creation. All of this will take place in the file gatsby-node.js
. To understand what we need to do, first understand the hooks we’ll be using:
// This hook is called when a GraphQL node is _created_
exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, getNode, actions }) => {
// This hook is called when a GraphQL node is _consumed_
exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
With those two hooks we can do the following:
, check if the node is a markdown content nodecreatePages
, use the slug
field to set the the urlconst { createFilePath } = require(`gatsby-source-filesystem`)
exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, getNode, actions }) => {
const { createNodeField } = actions
// Here, check if its a markdown Node:
if (node.internal.type === `MarkdownRemark`) {
// If so, create a slug based on the filepath
const slug = createFilePath({
basePath: `pages`
// Add the slug's value to a new field in this node, and
// name it "slug"
name: `slug`,
value: slug,
exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions
const blogPost = path.resolve(`./src/templates/blog-post.js`)
// Load the markdown data
const result = await graphql(
sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }
limit: 1000
) {
edges {
node {
fields {
frontmatter {
// For clarity, use a more sensible name
const posts =
// Create a page for each post
posts.forEach((post, index) => {
const previous = index === posts.length - 1 ? null : posts[index + 1].node
const next = index === 0 ? null : posts[index - 1].node
// Create the URL we want
path: post.node.fields.slug,
component: blogPost,
context: {
slug: post.node.fields.slug,
If you plan on including code snippets in your blog, you’ll probably want to add code highlighting. This is not included out of the box with the default starter, but its a simple add. We’ll use Prisma, again mostly because there is documented support for it. Setup involves:
Understanding the basics of how the plugin works can give you intuition about the steps above. The plugin operates as part of the markdown phase and goes something like this:
elements and given CSS class names depending on the token (ex: <span class="token string">foo</span>
)First, install these dependencies:
yarn add prismjs gatsby-remark-prismjs prism-themes
Next, update gatsby-config.js
to tell the remark plugin to use the prism plugin for code blocks:
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: {
plugins: [
// ... other plugins
resolve: `gatsby-remark-prismjs`,
options: {
classPrefix: "language-",
inlineCodeMarker: null,
aliases: {
sh: "bash"
showLineNumbers: false,
noInlineHighlight: false,
That sets up the parser, now we need a theme. Prism includes several themes in its /themes
folder. You can view these by navigating to ./node_modules/prismjs/themes
, and apply them by importing the css file into gatsby-browser.js
import "prismjs/themes/prism-dark.css"
In case you do not like any of the default themes, you can choose one of the extended themes from prisma-themes
, which I had you install above. ex:
import "prism-themes/themes/prism-atom-dark.css"
Lastly if you want to customize it further, simply create your own css file and copy the contents of one of the themes into it. Import that file instead of the theme file and customize as you see fit.
So that’s it for customizations. There’s myriad more plugins and customizations and as Gatsby is ultimately a React app, you could endlessly tinker and never write an actual blog post. Let’s setup hosting now so that doesn’t happen to you :)
At this point you can serve your site from any webhost capable of serving static files. Some options:
Run gatsby build
to generate the static website into the /public
folder. You could upload these files directly to one of the above hosts, or use a CI system to do this step for you. I"m going to demonstrate Netlify, because it has a built-in CI system that will do this step for you, triggered directly off commits to a Github repostitory. After setting up a Github repository for your project and an account with Netlify, the workflow operates like this:
gatsby build
), it copies these to its CDNAt that point, your updated site is available online.
Create an account on Netlify, then navigate to Sites > New site from Git. Follow the prompts. I add Netlify to my Github account, then give it selective access to the repo I want to publish. Notice you can configure which branch Netlify deploys – this is one option for setting up different deployments so you can demo work before releasing it. For now I’m publishing my site as is, so I tell it to deploy from Master. It auto-detects I’m using a Gatsby project and infers the build command and directory:
To re-iterate the above configuration: Commits to your master branch trigger Netlify to update and run gatsby build
, and then to take the output from /public
and publish the results. After saving this configuration, Netlify has enough information to host your blog at a randomly generated url (mine was
). Once its initial run completes, you can see for yourself.
Next comes the domain. Netlify offers to set one up for you which is a fine route to go. I happened to already have a domain name that I purchased previously. Netlify again provides prompts to help you out if you’ve never done something like this. The intuition is simple enough: Create DNS records so that when someone types
into their address bar, the browser resolves the domain name to the Netlify host that is serving your website. You have two options:
The second case is a bit simpler, so I’ll demo that next. Use the “Custom domains” section of your site in Netlify to add your custom domain, then follow its prompts. It will prompt you with something like this:

In my case since I registered my domain name with Namecheap, so I do the following: Login to Namecheap, navigate to my domain (, and find the “Nameservers” section. Change “Namecheap BasicDNS” to “Custom DNS” and add the Netlify domain servers provided above:

Once saved it will take a bit to update, but Netlify will soon detect that your domain is using its DNS. From there, it will autoprovision https for you using Let’s Encrypt. Give it some time, but you’ll soon have an https enabled custom domain.
With that, you now you have a hosted blog with a custom domain. There’s much more I could have covered, but the above is plenty for getting your blog started. If you want to dig in to Gatsby a bit further, start with their in depth tutorial. Exploring Gatsby plugins is a good next step.
If you have feedback, reach out.